Join Driftless Grown - it’s free!
What DOes Membership Mean for your Farm/Business?
A dedicated member profile page on the Driftless Grown website.
A “farm/business location marker” on Driftless Grown’s interactive map where customers search for food and more by product, service, or region.
You get to be a part of a robust regional marketing campaign crafted by a talented graphic designer, a social media professional, and other farmers, makers, and producers living and working in the Driftless Region. This campaign currently includes:
Farm Features: A series of posts about your farm/business
Highlights Feature: Your business information will appear in our permanent Instagram highlights for every product/service you specialize in.
Boosting your farm/business via Instagram and Facebook posts and stories (including added “likes” supportive and positive comments, etc.)
Inclusion/mention in Driftless Grown’s print promotional materials
Access to our “Driftless Grown Members Only” Facebook group where members connect with other regional farmers/makers/producers to learn, support, and build strong regional ties across communities.
Subscription to our email newsletter where we provide updates on local grant opportunities, webinars, educational opportunities, food hub opportunities, farm features, and more.
A booth at the Driftless Grown Vendor Fair, during Sweet 16 Farm's Hop Harvest Music Fest in Houston, MN on August 21, 2021.
Because by joining you are helping to build a more robust, supportive, and resilient rural community!
Privacy Disclaimer: Driftless Grown does not share your information with third parties. Your submissions are used for Driftless Grown purposes only.