Join — Driftless Grown

Join Driftless Grown - it’s free!

What DOes Membership Mean for your Farm/Business?

  • A dedicated member profile page on the Driftless Grown website.

  • A “farm/business location marker” on Driftless Grown’s interactive map where customers search for food and more by product, service, or region.

  • You get to be a part of a robust regional marketing campaign crafted by a talented graphic designer, a social media professional, and other farmers, makers, and producers living and working in the Driftless Region. This campaign currently includes:

    • Farm Features: A series of posts about your farm/business

    • Highlights Feature: Your business information will appear in our permanent Instagram highlights for every product/service you specialize in.

    • Boosting your farm/business via Instagram and Facebook posts and stories (including added “likes” supportive and positive comments, etc.)

    • Inclusion/mention in Driftless Grown’s print promotional materials

  • Access to our “Driftless Grown Members Only” Facebook group where members connect with other regional farmers/makers/producers to learn, support, and build strong regional ties across communities.

  • Subscription to our email newsletter where we provide updates on local grant opportunities, webinars, educational opportunities, food hub opportunities, farm features, and more.

  • A booth at the Driftless Grown Vendor Fair, during Sweet 16 Farm's Hop Harvest Music Fest in Houston, MN on August 21, 2021.

  • Because by joining you are helping to build a more robust, supportive, and resilient rural community!


Privacy Disclaimer: Driftless Grown does not share your information with third parties. Your submissions are used for Driftless Grown purposes only.