Red Wing Farmers Market
Red Wing Farmers Market
Located in Red Wing, MN. All of the Red Wing Area Farmers Markets’ vendors are local growers, producers, and bakers who live and farm or garden within 60 miles of Red Wing, MN.
Our Mission is to provide a convenient and socially enriching place where the community can purchase the freshest, locally grown produce available directly from farmers and producers who represent traditions and skills that we value as part of our way of life.
Market staff can assist customers to make transactions with credit, debit, and EBT cards using our market token system at the market info booth!
The Red Wing Farmers Market is open from the first Saturday in June to the last Saturday in October on Levee Street down by the train depot from 8 am to 1 pm. Plan to come down and visit us. You can find fresh produce, meat, syrups, honey, salsa, baked goods, garlic, wood crafts, plants for everything; garden, inside and outside your home and more.
Markets are open RAIN or SHINE.
Red Wing Farmers Market
Box 372
Red Wing, MN 55066
visit website
Sara George